Welcome to Grounding + Gratitude, a blog I created for UPLIFT yoga + fitness to share my take on things related to yoga, fitness, nutrition, and living a healthy lifestyle. My hope for this blog is that you'll find something of value here - perhaps something you've not heard before or some tip you've not tried before. Or, maybe you already know about a piece of advice and an article here just serves as a reminder. I don't have any fancy lifestyle plan that no one else has heard of. I'm just sharing my take on what interests me, with the hope that you can use it to help you find your healthiest version of you.
And that is why I created UPLIFT yoga + fitness...to help people bridge the gap between physical and mental fitness so they can become the healthiest version of themselves inside and out. I use yoga, fitness training, nutrition and habit coaching along with essential oils to offer a well-rounded approach.
Please subscribe to the blog so you can get notified when I post new articles. Share this blog with a friend you think might like it. And feel free to drop a note from the site about a topic you'd like to see featured or for questions you might have.
Be sure to read the next article that explains the title, Grounding + Gratitude a bit more.
With peace, love, grounding + gratitude...Namaste.