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I love helping ambitious women, bridge the gap between physical and mental fitness so they can become the healthiest version of themselves inside and out.

I started my healthy lifestyle journey as a child, very active in gymnastics and track and curious about how the food I ate would sustain my body through all the activity. As an adult I explored weightlifting, kickboxing, pilates, yoga, and more! I experimented with a variety of dietary strategies to eat healthy, get lean, or gain muscle. 

As I advanced in my career, becoming a certified project manager and taking on numerous projects, along with having a family, I thought I was doing pretty well. Work was stressful, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle...or so I thought.

Imagine for a moment that someone told you that your attitude sucks, and you’re bringing down the whole team.

This happened to me and it was one of the worst days of my professional career. Someone actually sat me down and told me some variation of this line. And as it sunk in, I started to cry…and cry…and cry. I cried a lot. Partly because of how horrible it felt to hear this when I’d been spending a lot of time (and overtime) trying to make sure we were delivering for the client. And partly because once the pent up negative energy started to release, it didn’t want to stop.

It also didn’t feel good to hear this because I had always been complimented on my optimistic attitude and my ability to lift people and teams up.

So how did it come to this sucky attitude dragging down the team? Burnout.

After 2 previous stints of overworking due to staff shortages and then months of overserving an undeserving client and trying to help the team through the process (including listening to their complaints - because let’s be honest, I wasn’t the only one complaining) my stress level escalated through the roof and my attitude tanked. Which is pretty typical with burnout.


But why am I telling you this? It’s not for sympathy votes. Being this vulnerable is a challenge.

This day was one of the worst days of my career. But it was also a turning point. Once I realized that what I was doing that I considered a "healthy lifestyle" wasn’t working, I started to seek other methods. I rediscovered yoga and mindfulness as ways to manage stress and began my transformation.

I also realized that I wanted to help other people through this so perhaps they could avoid burnout altogether.


Remember, when your practice, your exercise or your life gets tough, the first step is to just breathe. Now, let's discover your healthiest self.


I'm a forever student. I love to learn and to bring that knowledge into what I teach.

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Hive Certified Business


As a founding member of The Hive in Wichita, KS, I'm proud to have completed their Hive Certified Business course as it aligns with how I believe in doing business: authentically, vulnerably, growth-focused, professionally, and celebrating the successes of others all along the way.


Breathing Coach


I chose the YOGABODY Breathing Certification because they break down pranayama (breathing practices) into a safe, simple and effective practice that makes it easy for new students to make part of their daily habits. I've been a longtime proponent of learning how to use breathing techniques to reduce stress, improve sleep and digestion and to tone the nervous system for better resilience. 

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Nutrition Coach, Pn1


I began studying with Precision Nutrition in their Level 1 program because I want to learn more about the science of nutrition and the art of coaching. Everyone is in progress towards something. PN has a system and methodology that I can use to improve my own habits and to help my clients achieve life-changing results.


Yoga Shred™-Trained


I invested in Sadie Nardini's course so that I could offer my students a different type of yoga class that is fun and empowering while offering a great workout in addition to the benefits of yoga. High-Intensity Interval Training is a great option to boost the metabolism and burn fat.

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Registered Yoga Teacher


The decision to go through Yoga Teacher Training happened at a critical point in my career. I jumped in with both feet and have continued to learn and discover the many facets of yoga every day since. On this journey I have learned about Lunar energy, Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, HIIT Yoga, Partner Yoga and Seasonal Yoga.


Professional Project Manager


Being a Project Manager is a lot like being a coach. You first establish what needs to be done, what the goal is. Then you work with a team to figure out the best steps to accomplish that goal and offer assistance and encouragement. Pair that with a timeline or end date and regular check-ins and you're off and running.

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