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In the Uplift Habit Shift Facebook Group we use healthy habits to redesign our lives so we have more energy and confidence.


This is the home of my FREE 5 Habits for More Energy Challenge!

Looking for more ways to start your day mindfully?
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Try my Empowered Mornings Challenge
to start your day with less stress and more energy.
  • Awaken your mind and senses with an energizing Breathing Exercise. 

  • Build movement into your morning routine with my 5-minute Flexibility Flow. 

  • Nourish your body with 7 tasty breakfast recipes.

Get my simple, easy-to-follow, 7-day Great Morning Challenge for just $17.

Start your day with less stress + more energy!
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Like Podcasts?

Watch my Video Podcast

Energizing Habits:

Simple Strategies for a Sustainable Healthy Lifestyle

on YouTube and Spotify. 


I provide simple strategies to help ambitious women get out of stress and overwhelm so they can start to take control of their health and life.

  • Spotify
  • YouTube
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